Assessment Center

Our Assessment Center (AC) is built with combination of tasks and activities that test and validate your talent suitability for the role. With series of assessment tools cum case-studies activities, we provide a platform for talented incumbent to demonstrate their wide range of skills, experience and behavioural competencies that required to the role, it work objectively for talent acquisition, leadership development and succession planning.

We could design the activities for different clients based on their needs and some of the combination exercises are listed as follow:

  • Role play exercise
  • Case study based analysis exercise
  • Psychometric personality questionnaire
  • Aptitude Test
  • Competency based interview
  • Task assignment and project review

Our stimulation tests are insightful, challenging and funs. We immerse incumbent in a specific scenario and offer them an avenue to demonstrate their leadership skills. During the stimulation, leaders will be fully occupied to prepare their plans for live presentation. And, there will be some fun pop-up questions raised to testify their critical thinking ability during the session. So many new acquired skills, behaviour and insights of the leaders will be discovered during the stimulation itself.

Apart from engaging AC for job competencies, it is also broadly used to gauge leaders on gap analysis for succession planning and talent development. To achieve such objective, we help client to build and map their competencies into our assessment criteria, to name some key competencies such as:

Assessors – usually a mix of our consultants or some combination of clients selected panel and line managers – they are the one who score the incumbent actions against competency frameworks. Assessors to discuss all aspects of the incumbent’s performance before reaching a final decision.

At the end, the finding of the AC result is use for:

1. Talent Selection
2. Talent Development
3. Talent Engagement
4. Succession Planning
5. Internally Redeployment

Assessment Center

Talent Selection & Development

Help companies attract capable candidates, reduce turnover, and ensure cultural fit, addressing CEOs' top concern.

Talent Engagement

Clarify individual drives and assists managers in boosting team motivation and retention with 15 key motivational factors.

Succession Planning

Ensures business continuity by systematically grooming future leaders to address sudden leadership changes.

Cultural Transformation

Building future organizational culture requires balancing innovative capabilities with strategic intent, guided by the 5 C's framework to ensure employees are happy and feel a sense of belonging.

OD-Tools Assessment Products

Trait-Map, Motivation Questionnaire (MQ), EQ-SWOT, Sales Map

Assessment Center

Diverse activities to evaluate talent suitability for roles, assessing skills and competencies.