OD-Tools Assessment Products

Trait-Map® – Personality Assessments

Trait-Map® draws inspiration from mathematical principles to deliver a cutting-edge personality assessment solution. With a unique forced-choice questionnaire, it swiftly generates detailed profiles based on 25 primary traits in just 15 minutes. This unparalleled efficiency and precision are the result of pioneering combinatorial optimization techniques.

Trait-Map® evaluates 25 traits across the five dimensions of the “Big Five” model, offering an extensive array of reports tailored for various business needs: development reports, training insights, group dynamics analysis, job-fit assessments, interview guidance, and more. Explore a brief introduction to its key features in this concise 6-minute overview:

  • Trait-Map® identifies strengths, ideal roles, and areas for improvement.
  • It guides individuals in realizing their potential by providing direction and instilling confidence in leveraging their strengths.
  • Trait-Map® also enhances teamwork and collaboration, minimizes conflicts, and expedites team maturity.
  • Furthermore, it greatly enhances the quality of interviews and selection decisions.
  • Mobile-friendly: It can be accessed on all popular devices.
  • Fast and Accurate: Trait-Map® utilizes an innovative forced-choice questionnaire format, requiring only 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Despite its brevity, users receive a detailed personality profile comprising 25 traits! The unparalleled speed and accuracy are attributed to a proprietary mathematical method (combinatorial optimization) embedded in the questionnaire design.

Background of Trait-Map ®

Trait-Map® (formerly FiT In) represents the culmination of 15 years of rigorous development in the field of personality testing. Originating in Shanghai in 2001-2002, it was crafted by a team of global business psychologists and consultants, including notable figures like Friedemann Demmer and Gabor Nagy. Guided by scientific advisors such as Cynthia Zhang (MA), Lv Xiaojun (PhD), and Guo Xiaowei (PhD), the team concurrently developed English and Chinese versions to cater to diverse markets.

Built upon the foundation of the IPIP-NEO test and the International Personality Item Pool by Lewis R. Goldberg, PhD, Trait-Map® has consistently upheld high psychometric standards since its endorsement by the Psychometric Committee of the Shanghai Psychological Association in 2006. Over the years, it has undergone iterative enhancements, including a significant overhaul of reports in 2012 led by Josephine Doyle, Daniel Smith, and Gabor Nagy, aimed at optimizing its utility in real-world business contexts.

A pivotal advancement was the strategic redesign of the questionnaire, resulting in a radical reduction in length while maintaining precision—a testament to innovation driving efficiency.

Today, Trait-Map® stands as a cornerstone in the realm of personality assessment, earning widespread acclaim and adoption. Its availability in multiple languages, including German, Dutch, Malaysian, and Hungarian, underscores its global relevance. Notably, it has been integrated into the esteemed Paradigm Suite of Assessment Reports by the Business Learning Foundation (UK), further solidifying its position as a trusted tool for businesses worldwide.

OD-Tools® Motivation Questionnaire (MQ) – Motivation & Engagement Assessment ​

The OD-Tools® Motivation Questionnaire represents a sophisticated psychometric instrument tailored for generating precise individual and group motivation profiles. Its purpose is to fortify workforce retention efforts, refine motivation strategies, and cultivate a culture of heightened intrinsic motivation within organizations.

MQ is strategically crafted to elevate self-awareness and drive intrinsic motivation within the workplace. By elucidating individual values and priorities, it empowers employees to align their aspirations with organizational goals. Simultaneously, it equips employers with valuable insights to enhance talent retention and motivation strategies. Anchored on 15 pivotal work-related needs, termed motivational factors, the questionnaire furnishes a detailed job motivation and satisfaction profile for each participant. This enables companies to adopt proactive measures in retaining their critical talent pool.

An unparalleled tool for motivation and retention:

  • Support total reward planning at the organization, team, and individual levels. Make better decisions based on comprehensive and accurate data.
  • Increase intrinsic motivation and assist individuals in discovering more meaning, purpose, and joy at work.
  • Enhance the motivation skills of managers.
  • Facilitate tangible, effective conversations between managers and their team members.
  • Proactively and effectively retain your key employees.

Background of MQ

MQ helps employees benefit from scientific research on human motivation in various ways. Scientists like Maslow, Deci, and Ryan have discovered that highly successful individuals share common motivational characteristics: they possess intrinsic motivation, an internal drive that generates energy and enthusiasm, carrying them through challenges and setbacks. These intrinsic factors contrast with extrinsic motivators, which originate externally. This aligns well with Herzberg’s theory on “Hygiene Factors” and “Motivators.” By leveraging the foundational principles of employee needs outlined in MQ, managers can integrate these theories effectively. MQ empowers line managers not only to comprehend these concepts better but, more importantly, to apply them in their daily practices.

Extrinsic motivation loses its effectiveness after a few months, while intrinsic motivation provides sustained energy. Organizations should prioritize both, but intrinsic motivation can be ignited and cultivated, leading to mutually beneficial outcomes for employees and employers. The Practitioner Certification Training program equips participants with the knowledge and skills to utilize this tool optimally.

Motivating employees is a crucial responsibility for every manager. Thus, it’s essential to assess their knowledge of employee motivation and their understanding of staff needs. Are you prepared to elevate your managers’ motivation skills?

MQ serves as a potent standalone report or can be combined with the Trait-Map® Personality Profile to create a comprehensive Talent Management and Development tool.

EQ-SWOT™ – Emotional Intelligence Assessment

EQ-SWOT™ is a workplace-focused psychometric questionnaire tailored to evaluate Emotional Intelligence. It rigorously assesses 16 key EI skills within the framework of the “Mixed Model of EI” approach, complemented by two robust validity scales.

EQ-SWOT™ stands as a premier online psychometric questionnaire, meticulously crafted for evaluating Emotional Intelligence. Boasting 116 Likert-type items, it offers a swift completion time of 10–15 minutes, making it a time-efficient tool. Its mobile-friendly design ensures seamless accessibility across all prevalent devices. Employing a self-descriptive format, EQ-SWOT™ combines criterion-based and normative development methodologies, bolstered by robust validity scales, to deliver precise insights for informed business decisions.


Key feature of EQ-SWOT™

  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses in Emotional Intelligence for selection and development
  • Facilitating self-reflection and self-awareness.
  • Targeting and enhancing soft-skill training and coaching. Improving communication, well-being, positive energy, teamwork, and feedback.

Enhancing leadership and guiding individuals toward the “Emotionally Intelligent Workplace.

Background of EQ-SWOT™

EQ-SWOT™ is built upon the widely recognized and universally accepted EI model, drawing from the seminal works of Daniel Goleman and other prominent authors in Emotional Intelligence literature and training materials.

Combining an efficient questionnaire, a robust psychometric foundation, streamlined and insightful reports, and the top-tier OD-Tools®  platform, EQ-SWOT™ offers an unparalleled user experience. Completing EQ-SWOT™ is not only smooth and engaging but also time-efficient, requiring just 10 to 15 minutes. Despite its brevity, it yields impactful results—a highly accurate report filled with invaluable insights and often enlightening “aha” moments for participants.

Sales Map™ – Sales Proficiency Assessment

Sales-Map™ represents an advanced online Situational Judgment Test meticulously crafted to gauge sales proficiency across four critical stages of the Business-to-Business sales process: Prospecting and Preparation, Meeting, Follow Through, and Negotiations. Tailored to meet the needs of B2B sales professionals across various industries and seniority levels, it serves as an invaluable tool for optimizing sales performance and driving business success.


Key Features:

  • Assess candidates for recruitment;
  • Assess current employees for training needs evaluation;
  • Identify the strengths and improvement opportunities for individuals and teams;

Support coaching/mentoring discussions

Background of Sales-Map™

In Sales-Map™, the scenarios presented are carefully crafted to resonate with sales professionals across diverse product or service lines. These scenarios are rich in detail, mirroring real-world sales experiences and prompting deep self-reflection.

Sales-Map™ evaluates candidates’ responses by comparing them to those of a distinguished expert panel comprising top sales performers across various industries, including computer hardware, software, pharmaceuticals, financial services, and telecommunications. This panel boasts a global presence, with members hailing from Asia, North America, and Europe, and encompasses a wide spectrum of sales methodologies, including Huthwaite, Miller Heiman, Wilson Learning, and more. Scores are determined based on the degree of alignment with the expert group’s responses.

Featuring 33 meticulously crafted sales scenarios and 166 items, Sales-Map™ offers a comprehensive assessment of sales proficiency. The items vary in difficulty, ranging from straightforward to nuanced, requiring years of hands-on experience and training to navigate effectively. Some items are deliberately designed to lack a singular correct response, enriching the narrative and elevating the test’s complexity.

Innovative 360 Assessments

OD-Tools® practitioners bring decades of experience in organization and leadership development to the 360 assessments, aiming to create simple, employee-friendly, and efficient multi-level feedback tools.

The 360 engine was designed with consultants, coaches, and HR professionals in mind who want to create and manage their own 360 assessments. The system allows full customization of competencies and questionnaires, giving users the power to tailor 360s to their unique requirements. Creating a customized survey is easy with just a few clicks or by uploading a customized content Excel file. The system also includes features like participant list import, progress tracking, and group reports in Excel format, making the 360 administration process efficient.

All OD-Tools® 360 products are mobile-friendly and can be used on popular devices.

OD-Tools® is the home to “Solution Focused 360 Feedback Technology,” an improved and more accurate approach to identifying key strengths and improvement opportunities while facilitating targeted qualitative feedback.