Talent Engagement

Talent Engagement & Retention

The OD-Tools® Motivation Questionnaire (MQ) serves as the “Golden Key to Employee Engagement.” This tool is specifically crafted to assist individuals in clarifying their motivational drives and priorities. Moreover, it aids line managers in enhancing retention and motivation among their team members simultaneously. With 15 crucial work-related motivational factors, companies can effectively manage employee motivation and proactively retain their key talents.

OD-Tools® Motivation Questionnaire

OD-Tools® MQ builds on well-known models such as “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs” and the concepts of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Drives. It provides data and answers regarding employees’ motivation needs at work to line managers and organizations, offering actual needs versus satisfaction profiles for individuals.

OD-Tools® MQ suggests strategies based on individuals’ motivation profiles for organizations to proactively retain their employees. Compared to AI people analytics solutions, the report provides transparent, ethical, and more accurate flight risk analysis, along with rich data on how to constructively address potential turnover and burnout risks, thus empowering an effective employee retention and engagement solution.

OD-Tools® MQ is an advanced psychometric questionnaire designed to create individual and group motivation profiles, enhancing workforce retention and motivation strategies.

OD-Tools® MQ is easy to read and understand:

The motivation profile can serve as good reference for appraisals, feedback, coaching, or employee dialogue. Such a two-way discussion between employees and the line managers is crucial for defining appropriate objectives and opportunities for individuals, maximizing mutual benefit for both parties.

Empower your leaders with the tool for key talents retention

Managing employee motivation is crucial for every manager. However, how much do your managers truly understand about employees’ motivation drivers? Are they well-versed in the needs of their team members? Are you prepared to elevate their motivation skills to the next level?

OD-Tools® MQ supports total workforce planning within organizations. A comprehensive and accurate employee motivation dataset enables the creation of a proper human capital investment plan.

A more detailed introduction about OD-Tools® MQ:

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